Songs in the Play : We are the Children of the Camp


Song 1: 1948

You have seen what happened                         The country is swallowed by destruction

The tents filled the country                                Time shall take revenge from the occupier


The world closed the eyes                     Arabs lived the siege

We walked in the roads of exile            We walked on fire


Our departure was not our choice                     The whole world was against us

We refused the division of our country            We refused the humiliation


Zionists have now a home                       They have a state, and became decision makers

This is only the beginning                         The war has still its secrets


No right shall be lost                               As long as there is resistance and there are demanders

Every occupier came and then was gone    Occupation never lasts


What happened is not new                        Time turns all the time

Every power weakens with time                The government of injustice, vanishes with revolution


Song 2: We are the Children of the Camp

We are the children of the camp                We are the sons of refuge

We are the children of exile                            We are the lovers of resistance


We have been chased from our homes               Our lands were taken

We were forced to live in tents                        We became refugees


They uprooted the olive trees                        They constructed colonies

They thought that we have no history             Or thought that we didn’t exist


They demolished all of our villages                 They put us in labyrinths

They planted hatred in us                               They considered us as insects


We may have a spring                                   Sun may rise again in our sky

We look to Jerusalem                                   Singing for freedom in our hearts


We will never forget                                      We will never forget

We will never forget                                      We will never forget


Song 3: Oh my Teacher

Oh my teacher, teach me history

Tell me where is my country  here or on Mars

I am Palestinian, I don’t hide my origin

I asked where is my country, They said, it does not exist

A people and a country vanish, as if never existed

And the world keeps silent, with no shame

The country has a new name : Israel

A foreign people occupies the country

He forces our people to exile

He confiscates lands, build settlements

Puts people in jail or in exile, controls and governs, demolish our houses

Turns the ground, deracinate trees, make new roads, demolishes the buildings

Transformed our land into desert, our water sources became scarce

They violated the land, stolen the water

Forbid our lands from irrigation

Come with me brother, let us burn it father

Let this occupier be worried

Regain our violated rights

Let the dawn of freedom comes


Song 4: Pigeons fly

Pigeons fly, pigeons fly                     I asked them to carry a message to my beloved

I asked them to carry olives                I asked them to take peace to my country


The hawk fly, the hawk fly                 We don’t have any patience in our hearts

The occupier shall be defeated After the injustice comes the victory


The sparrow fly, the sparrow fly          I asked it to carry spikes to my country

Fire and bombs exploded                   We are freedom revolutionists


Eagles fly, eagles fly                          they moved the darkness of centuries

Oh, homeland, even under the bridges  we could live, no need for palaces


Ostrich fly, ostrich fly                        The clouds shall vanish

Days come and go                            We shall uproot the tents


The bird flies, the bird flies                It perfumed my country with incense

Where you go                                  You shall return to your homeland, because other places are just wasteland


Owl flies, owl flies                            May God chase the   anxiety from our hearts

Let the sun rise anew                         And chase all the clouds from the sky


The raven flies, the raven flies they brought destruction to our country

Open a window, remove a door           The state of injustice is a mirage


The partridge fly, the partridge fly        Sing my country traditional zajal

Every exiled, every prisoner                Shall return home immediately


The breeze blows, the breeze blows      It brought love and nostalgia

Every exiled shall return to his country As well as refugees and those who were forced to immigrate


Song 5: Peace song

They said peace                                we were assured

Peace came and bought with it            safety and security to our children


They said peace, yes peace                 This was not just an empty talk

You shall see with the days                How could pace achieve miracles


They said peace, this peace                 What we want shall be

Be reasonable, and listen to us            What does matter if we built another colony


They said peace                                And this a time, fiends

However become disloyal                   Becomes a leader for the people


They said peace                                Come and sing with us, dream

Probably the world in these days         Have been infected by forgetfulness


They said peace, the spirit of peace      to live in tents

No lands, no state                             The state is just n illusion


They said peace, what peace               who said the two people were equal

How gave you an assurance                Israel shall go forward with us


They said peace                                they laughed and sang for peace

Permits are also required                    They laughed at us, and that’s that